Using a node projet in a Continuous Integration Enviroment can result in lots of packages checks and downloads in your server. You can make some simple adjusts to save some time.

One thing to do, is to use the native cache for download packages in the npm cli. For this all you need to do is install using this command line:

npm --cache-min=999999 install

Another tip is to save time of the checking for installed packages by crating a symbolic link for the node_modules folder. Just like:

mklink /j .\node_modules\ "C:\\.cache\node_modules\"

The following script is a PowerShell script that I use to build my node and jspm project under TeamFoundationServer builds:

# Cria "node_modules" cache usando SymLink
$npmCacheFolder = ".\..\.cache\node_modules\"
If (Test-Path $appNodeModulesFolder){
	Remove-Item $appNodeModulesFolder -Force -Recurse
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $npmCacheFolder
cmd /c mklink /j $appNodeModulesFolder $npmCacheFolder

# Cria "jspm_packages" cache usando SymLink
$jspmCacheFolder = ".\..\.cache\jspm_packages\"
If (Test-Path $appJspmPackagesFolder){
	Remove-Item $appJspmPackagesFolder -Force -Recurse
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $jspmCacheFolder
cmd /c mklink /j $appJspmPackagesFolder $jspmCacheFolder

# Instalar dependencias
# refresh the packages required by gulp (listed in the package.json file)
npm --cache-min=999999 install